Dear Earth ANGELS 👼 I am grateful to my ANGELS to choose me as a medium and convey their messages through me. 👉💐This message is an answer to people who are feeling stucked in a particular situation for long, desperately trying to manifest their desires and praying for a miracle in their lives...👈💐 I want you to let you know the secret of manifestation that you don't get what you ask for , but you get at what frequency you vibrate at🌺 🧚♀️Everything in this universe is an energy and vibrate at a certain frequency, If you want to manifest a particular desire then you must vibrate at a same frequency of that desire.🧚♀️ 👉👉Note down some points that will help you to vibrate at higher frequency with ANGELS 👈👈 ✔️Pay gratitude to ANGELS for everything in your life ✔️Practice to be in the state of mind with ANGELS where you have already achieved it ✔️Do not try multiple things or mentors to manifest your desires, you will get no results ✔️Do not get desperate about outcomes during the process, have faith on ANGELS 🧚♀️ ✔️You must not apply all known techniques simultaneously that will lead you far away from your goal ✔️Do regular Angel Healings ✔️Observe your thoughts keenly and complete your 21 days task given by ANGELS ✔️Think and affirm only what you want 🌺You can vibrate at higher frequency all the time effortlessly by invoking and surrounding yourself with ANGELS 🌺 🔸These techniques have been informed and implemented by thousands of my students who are Motivational Gurus, Tarot Card Readers, NLP Practioners, Housewives , Businessmen, Doctors , Students and manifested their desires ... 🔸One of the most important thing for manifestation is your consistent efforts and follow the step by step guide to learn to vibrate at higher frequency and and take guidance from ANGELS at each step to create miracles and manifest with ease and at a pace🧚♀️🧚♀️ 👉For further support and assistance, connect with your counselor or whatsapp on 9971400377 👇👇Click the link below to get regular ANGEL messages, answers to your questions and prayers and blessings through me in podcast series👇👇 www.nitinmohanlal.org/podcast-audio If you got your answer then post a comment or share your experiences with ANGELS and type MAGIC MAGIC MAGIC 🪄 Blessings Always Nitin Mohan Lal An Earth Angel
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