Dear Earth Angels 👼 🌺I appreciate my ANGELS from depth of my heart as all of you are getting answers to your questions, solution to your problems and guidance to decide the next step.🌺 ANGELS always help those who seek their help and are ready to change their life despite lack of resources and support. 👉I would suggest you to sit quietly, close your eyes, listen carefully and ask these questions from yourself honestly and write the answers in a notepad👈 🔸Do you have any dream of becoming successful that doesn't let you sleep? 🔸Do you want to become like your idol in every aspect? 🔸Are you passionate enough to achieve your desired goal? 🔸Do you want to change your current situation and experience the desired life? 🔸Are you curious to enjoy freedom and live life according to your own choice? Take your time and see what answers do you get? Take help from ANGELS to get inner guidance. I want you to note that this is what you actually want from your life and you are not living a life till date but pretending to live.This is not the way to live. God has sent us to experience the life to the fullest and enjoy it the way you like , live it the way you want to live. What are you doing to yourself? You criticise others very easily even for a small mistake but are you doing the right thing to yourself?Today , ANGELS want you to fuel your inner fire for growth and live a life of your dreams. One day during a session, a student came to me and asked me that Sir, I have a question for you? Do you believe that any mistake or ignorance can be such big that a human tortures other so that life becomes hell for the other person? She was very disturbed and started crying , I asked her the reason of this. She shared that she has been married for 27 years and has two children.Her husband never gave respect and love that she deserved.He never gave him enough money for survival or asked for her suggestion or approval for any decision. He even harrased her physically and mentally. She never opposed him as she didn't want to keep children away from their father and moreover her parents never supported her and pushed her to carry on this relationship. After so many years of humiliation, her children learned to disrespect her.She never worked on herself and spoiled her entire life.This broker her internally and she wants to end her life. Now I ask you the same question that she asked me, Do she really deserve this?if not, then what step should she take further? The one most important thing that I want to share is that you should not allow anyone to overpower you at any point of time in entire lifetime. I can assure you that you can achieve success in your life irrespective of your current situation in life.The only thing required is to take action immediately 👉👉Note down some points to always keep in your mind that will definitely fuel your inner fire with the help of ANGELS 👈👈 ✔️Make a dream for yourself before anyone else you love. ✔️Recognize your potential and take necessary steps to empower yourself ✔️Set the trend to rise with ANGELS ✔️Do not underestimate your identity else you will regret it later ✔️Leave the attitude of taking sympathy from others ✔️Do Regular ANGEL Healings to achieve success in every area of life. ✔️Raise your voice against any kind of voilance 👉These are the techniques that will fuel your inner fire to get the desired results. Always remember you are only responsible for your success and failure. If you are not ready to change the situation then no one else can do it for you.👈 Everybody has a fire inside , the only necessary action is to fuel it. ANGELS will guide you at every step.They will help you if you seek it. 🔸I strongly recommend you to go through all the previous ANGEL messages through me under the guidance of ANGELS as they are step by step approach and guidance to enjoy the success journey and change the life with ANGELS 👉For further assistance and support, Connect with your Counsellor or WhatsApp on 9971400377 👈 👇👇click the link below to get regular ANGEL messages, answers to your queries and prayers through me in Podcast Series 👇👇 www.nitinmohanlal.org/podcast-audio if you got your answer then POST a comment or share your experiences with ANGELS and type MAGIC MAGIC MAGIC 🪄 Blessings Always Nitin Mohan Lal An Earth Angel
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