Dear Earth Angels 👼 🌺Whenever you seek help from ANGELS they always help the seeker and make their life full of Magic. Angels always give answer to your prayers in one form or another but the point is are we recognizing it ? Today ANGELS guided me to convey their blessings to the women who are seeking any kind of miracles in their lives...🌺 I have come across people who really are capable to change their lives , their current situation , pain, sufferings but they have been conditioned since childhood to bear it and to bear it more than their capacity to handle the pain and sufferings. I ask you few simple questions 🔸Do you really think that few people especially women are destined to tolerate endless pain throughout their lives? 🔸Is it necessary for a woman to remain silent despite being exploited? 🔸How can anyone justify to treat a woman like commodity? 🔸Why is it obvious in a family to expect only from a woman to sacrifice her carrer and dreams to look after family and kids? 🔸How can we expect a woman to be perfect in every role like wife, mother, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law? 👉A woman is considered as a epitome of unconditional love and care then how can anyone justify the exploitation of her and if parents give them their example then I want to let them know they have done wrong to themselves but they should save the lives of their children at least..👈 She is a beautiful creation of God and even worshipped in every religion but worshipping on certain days and abusing her rest of days is normal these days.... Do you know that According to NCRB( National crime Records Bureau) data A majority of crime cases against women under IPC were registered under cruelty by husband or relatives. The worst part in this scenario is the role of parents. I have personally met so many women where they are asking for help from parents but rather than getting her out of the hell they are suggested to remain in the same situation and adjust herself .Can you imagine how painful can be for a woman to hear that from her parents? Parents and especially a mother is known as the very first teacher in a child's life. Whatever the situation may be, a child always look upon his parents but what if child is asked not to seek any kind of support irrespective of living a life worse than death. I request every parents to learn the skill of parenting otherwise this unawareness become a matter of life and death for your children. 👉👉Poor parenting is responsible for most of the crimes related to women these days. This is the time when you must acknowledge your ignorance and irresponsibility towards your upbringing. I advice you to give them basic knowledge since the initial phase of their lives.👈👈 ✔️Educate your child about 'Good touch , bad touch' ✔️Make them learn to raise their voice against any kind of exploitation ✔️Help them to become independent financially and emotionally as well ✔️Ask them to make herself a priority in any case ✔️Provide them sex education since childhood ✔️Support them in every condition leaving behind the fear of society or relatives ✔️Inculcate the Art of self love and self worthiness ✔️Make them aware of the law and that they can never be dominated or exploited mentally/ physically/ emotionally for being a woman This is the responsibility of parents only to make their child efficient enough to handle any kind of situation and provide them unconditional support and love throughout life. 👉I have counseled more than 1000 parents and wrote a book ' Iconic Parenting' and also teach through my courses how to raise your child .👈 I request you to learn the parenting skill and see how your children live a happy and fulfilling life. 🔸I strongly recommend you to go through all the previous ANGEL messages through me under the guidance of ANGELS as they are step by step approach and guidance to enjoy the success journey and change the life with ANGELS 👉For further assistance and support, Connect with your Counsellor or WhatsApp on 9971400377 👈 👇👇click the link below to get regular ANGEL messages, answers to your queries and prayers through me in Podcast Series 👇👇 www.nitinmohanlal.org/podcast-audio if you got your answer then POST a comment or share your experiences with ANGELS and type MAGIC MAGIC MAGIC 🪄 Blessings Always Nitin Mohan Lal An Earth Angel
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