Dear Earth Angels 👼 Make Yourself A Priority with ANGELS 🧚♀️ 🌺I am really very grateful to all of you for such a huge response to these Angel Messages. I come to know on daily basis how the direct guidance of ANGELS is creating magic in so many lives and I always take action whenever guided by my Angels without any logic and suggest the same to all my students and followers to experience miracles🌺 Some of you may want to grow in your life but somehow you could not do it till now and asking the solution for the same as I always suggest you to analyze your current status to know your path to move ahead with the help of ANGELS. 🔸Do you get no time for yourself throughout the day? 🔸Are you going through internal chaos to prove your worth? 🔸Do you feel you have wasted your entire life in doing daily chores? 🔸Do you feel sad by comparing the success with people of same age? 🔸Do you provide services selflessly and get no appreciation in return? I want you to analyze genuinely. Let your inner self answer these questions so that you get the correct status. Many of you have actually spent their whole life around the house and family. There's absolutely nothing wrong in it but the only question arises here is where have you been in all this ? If you have lost your identity by sacrificing your dreams, your carrer and you think that you have wasted your entire life because there is no appreciation from others and even sometimes they will make you realize that they have never forced you to do so or it was your so called duty and you cannot take credit for this. There are so many cases where many people compare themselves with their friends, colleagues or cousins and find that besides their talent and ambition they have not succeeded in their lives like the people of their age in their surroundings. This is because you have not made yourself priority but always put someone else before you but eventually you regret as nobody else understands your worth. There is no need to blame others as you experience in outer world whatever Image you have for yourself in your subconscious. You never give value to your dreams and hence no one else is giving any value to them. You may have noticed during your flight that you are always suggested to put your oxygen mask first and then help others. This actually applies in real life also if you have an image inside you that you are important, your hobbies, dreams and carrer matters then it is obvious that people in your surroundings will value you, your time and dreams. If you perceive your image like this then your opinion will also matter to others and they will seek your advice and it will be valuable to everyone because you made it so but if you have actually wasted your life for sake of others believe me nobody will ask you for your opinion in any matter or give you that responsibility and importance. It's really nice to think about others, help them , give your services but not at the cost of your dreams and happiness. Under the divine guidance of ANGELS I am sharing some tips that can actually help you to move forward in your life ✔️Invest your time and money to enhance your learnings and skills from today onwards ✔️Use Angel number 419 488 71 to make circumstances in your favor ✔️Invoke Arcangel Uriel for wisdom ✔️Know your self-worth with ANGELS (refer to previous ANGEL message for details) I always believe and guide that you are responsible for your success and failure. Take action to utilize your talent and make your dreams Reality before its too late as Time once gone never comes back. Life is one time opportunity. You cannot afford to waste it because you can only regret on your decisions but cannot change it at any cost. Angels are always there to help you. You need to connect with them and become a better version of you because you can make others life beautiful and happy if you are happy and satisfied internally. 🔸I strongly recommend you to go through all the previous ANGEL messages through me under the guidance of ANGELS as they are step by step approach and guidance to enjoy the success journey and change the life with ANGELS 👉For further assistance and support, Connect with your Counsellor or WhatsApp on 9971400377 👈 👇👇click the link below to get regular ANGEL messages, answers to your queries and prayers through me in Podcast Series 👇👇 www.nitinmohanlal.org/podcast-audio if you got your answer then POST a comment or share your experiences with ANGELS and type MAGIC MAGIC MAGIC 🪄 Blessings Always Nitin Mohan Lal An Earth Angel
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