Dear Earth
Dear Earth Angels Stop Domestic Violence with ANGELS When you observe your thoughts and try to focus yours

Dear Earth Angels Stop Domestic Violence with ANGELS When you observe your thoughts and try to focus yourself in a certain direction, your focus increases and you tend to attract the situations that help your thoughts to convert into reality but certain techniques and Angelic guidance can boost up the speed of your manifestation with ease. You want to enjoy all the pleasures of life but what if you struggle to live a normal life? This Angel message is for people who suffer because of their abusive relationship. I suggest you to analyze your situation and then implement the tips. ️Are you dealing with toxic relationships? ️Are you experiencing domestic violence also? ️Have you got mentally and emotionally abused ? You all have equal rights but your ignorance to the facts puts you in difficult situations. There are people who do not have awareness about their rights and worth. It is good to maintain good relationships with family and friends and you do your the best to provide love, care and comfort to them but it is not appreciable to sacrifice your desires for the sake of any relationship. Many times you might be forced to tolerate the injustice in the form of domestic violence by your own family . This is assumed to be normal and taught to live in the same situation and remain silent. The one question that arises is that why you don't understand your self worth? If you become aware of your powers then no body can supress you. If you won't love and respect yourself then you can not expect it from someone else. The moment you realize that if you learn to take stand for yourself and oppose the injustice, you can create a different reality. Any kind of abuse leaves a deep impact on your subconscious and make you feel weak. I suggest you to stop blaming your destiny for the injustice and follow the path that leads you to the awareness where you learn self love and live a beautiful life. Under the divine guidance of ANGELS I am sharing some tips so that you get rid of abusive relationship Use the switch phrase TINY SWEET BOW WITH LOVE. Use the healing code 10, 000 Hz. Use Scarlet crystal to get protection from physical harm. Take guidance from your Guardian ANGELS Apply these techniques with full faith to get the assured result. Angels can transform your life when you communicate with them and take guidance. I strongly recommend you to go through all the previous ANGEL messages through me under the guidance of ANGELS as they are step by step approach and guidance to enjoy the success journey and change the life with ANGELS For further assistance and support, Connect with your Counsellor or WhatsApp on 9971400377 click the link below to get regular ANGEL messages, answers to your queries and prayers through me in Podcast Series www.nitinmohanlal.org/podcast-audio if you got your answer then POST a comment or share your experiences with ANGELS and type MAGIC MAGIC MAGIC Blessings Always Dr. Nitin Mohan Lal An Earth Angel

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