one  of my
one of my student called me in morning and said sir #NotAshamed is trending now a days what is your opinion o

one of my student called me in morning and said sir #NotAshamed is trending now a days what is your opinion on this.... So I thought to share with you all also that what I think about it... We all in our are life are surrounded with our own type of depression our own type of war. Some of us are depressed because we are not having clarity about our future. Many of us are depressed because we are not able to forget the past painful memories. Many of us are in depression because of our own beliefs system...what we all want freedom from this.... Then why don't we come and learn NLP to bring the change within us... There is no shame in accepting our depression... Because we know the way to come out of it..... I support #notashamed..... I support NLP if some one ask you what will you do after learning NLP say them with bang... I will help myself and then others. With lots of gratitude

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