Reiki therapy in hindi meaning is sparsha dwara urja ka sanchalan. Reiki mean. Sarwabhomik and ki means urja. Reiki therapy is used by powerful symbols which also heals our soul & past lives karmas with holistic healing, it acknowledge that the root cause of a physical & non physical illness and work on imbalance on all levels to become our body, mind & soul promises a happier, healthier & more balances state of being. There are so many energy healing courses are offered but Nitin Mohan Lal can guide you the right course for you. His teaching will be more than a certified training course. Healing books and an guide you the knowledge all about the courses but a true guru will help you to apply & choose best for you. You can increase your healing powers by the help of angeles, they always ready to help & protect you when you call them. A modern reiki method is used with the help of symbols & five principles of Mikaou Usui, after receiving the attunement fron Grand Master. Spiritual healing prayers and positive affirmations are used to heal a person to relieve his issues. Reiki is a Japanese healing technique which is followed by doctors also.
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